Frequently Asked Questions

What services to you provide?

We offer 1-1 psychological counselling to adults, face to face and via Telehealth. We also provide organisational psychology consulting services.

I want some help with my leadership skills. Can I see you for executive coaching?

Absolutely. You won’t be able to claim for a rebate though, as executive coaching is not regarding a therapeutic intervention. Give us a call and awe can talk about options.

Can you describe your approach to coaching/therapy?

Anahata is founded on being heart centred. We approach therapy with compassion and kindness.  We believe each person is the expert in their own lives.  We partner with you, so you can deepen your understanding of yourself.  We introduce evidence based approaches that you can use to create the change you are seeking. Sometimes you know what you need to do but struggle to put it into practice,  we can help you there.  For more about each practitioner please go to the About us page.

How do I attend my Telehealth appointment?

Once you make a booking, we will send a confirmation email. It will include a link with instructions to click on it when its your appointment time. We will also ask you to complete some basic forms before the session. Completing the forms before hand, will help us make the most of our time together.

How long are your sessions?

Our sessions run for about 50 minutes. Its a good idea to arrive about 5 – 10 minutes early, so you can check your Telehealth link works and then take a moment to focus on yourself before we get started. Grab a cuppa if you like.

If you are coming in to town for a face to face session, parking is usually available out the front.

How many sessions will it take? 

It really depends… Our first session is usually focused on the therapist understanding your issue and discussing with you the best way to resolve it. Sometimes it can take up to 6 sessions or longer to embed the changes you are hoping for. Usually we leave one or two weeks between appointments. You might find you are able to implement the strategies we discuss and decided to come back in a couple of months to see how you are going. 

Is your site secure?

Good question! We take privacy and online security very seriously. We have a secure hosting website, that has information for you about us. It has BOOK HERE link that takes you to our external practice space, where you can make a booking. The external practice space is like a virtual office. We meet there, and use it to store information, send communicate and make payments. It is called CorePlus – a well established, Australian based, software provider, approved by Medicare. For any online forms with use another Australian company Snapforms. Click on the links to find out more about their security.

Can I bring my partner/mother with me?

No sorry, our practice works with individuals. In our Telehealth sessions it is important to be in a place where you have privacy. This helps you to open and honest about how you are feeling. It is ok to be a little nervous about seeing a psychologist, but please know that we are very experienced and will work with you, at your pace. We will create a space where you feel safe. We don’t currently offer couples counselling.

How do I pay for a session?

You usually pay when the session ends. You will receive an email with an invoice, with an option to use our integrated online payment system (Pin Payment). It will prompt you to enter your credit card details to make the payment. Alternatively, you can do a bank transfer, using the account details on the invoice. We will update your invoice once payment is received.

If you are seeking a rebate, you will need to lodge your claim for a rebate, after paying for the service. Medicare now has an online claim service, with simple steps. Alternatively we can process the medicare claim, once your invoice is paid.

How much will it cost me? 

Our fee for working with our Principal Psychologist is $200 a session. You may be eligible for a rebate. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please discuss with your psychologist the potential for a reduced fee. Please see our Fees and Rebates page for more information.

How do I set up my video conference? The sound won’t work…

Coreplus have a trouble shooting guide that might help. Please give these a try. https://help.coreplus.com.au/en/articles/5059814-troubleshooting-telehealth-by-coreplus